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oddmar is an odd bubble shooting game from the studio behind the arrows empire series. as you'll see in the trailer below, there is a plot to oddmar, but it's not really necessary to understand how the game plays. all you need to do is shoot bubbles that bounce and collect the coins they land with. this is all done in a 3d space.
even though this is mostly a'shooting' game, it's a pretty decent one thanks to the amount of free shooting games out there. the graphics are nice, the gameplay is fun, and overall, the game is a complete time-waster. highly recommended.
planet 2 is a sequel to the first entry in this game collection, releasing in 2007. this game is also completely free, and was recently re-released for windows systems. the original and current release are right side of right beside one another in the screenshots.
scenic released a game based on this iphone app in 2011. scenic is a two-player multiplayer race game. expect to pay $.99 for it, even if it is completely free to play. of course, if you're willing to pay up, there is also a "limited edition" version that includes extra characters and oddities.
i was really hoping that an indie developer would remake this game, as it is a pretty fun, fun game. square enix has thankfully decided to give this 2001 release a home in the play store. try it out if you can find it for free.
heli-plane is a remake of the space combat game vibes released in 2008. as you can see, the resolution has been reduced in this release to fit the whims of our modern screens, but this remake is still completely free to play. 3d9ccd7d82